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Monday, January 23, 2012

Mass Muni Trade Show was a great event!

We attended the Mass Muni Trade Show this past weekend, and it was a great event in a great City!  We were very encouraged by the positive reception we received from everyone we met with as elected officials, DPW workers and finance personnel alike, remarked at the value of having the depth of their utility lines identified in a way that would help prevent damage in the future. 

In a number of municipalities in Massachusetts, the trend started by Lady Bird Johnson to bury utility lines underground continues with a strong emphasis on beautification of their respective towns and municipalities.  MUUDS were enthusiastically received as a valuable tool to aid in the future to prevent damage to those very lines and the ability to locate them minimizing the safety and liability exposure to the town and its employees due to damage.  It was noted that damage prevention protects not only their DPW workers, but emergency personnel who have to respond to accidents when they occur.

Currently the policy of many utility companies is to charge the municipality or private contractor for the costs to repair the damaged line.  That accidental hit to the utility line can end up costing the municipality over $100,000!!  MUUDS is an inexpensive way to avoid that expense.  It saves taxpayers dollars.  MUUDS can save taxpayers dollars at NO COST to the municipality.  Contact us to find out how.

When digging for utilities, inevitably, other utilities are encountered.  Muuds was welcomed as an identification tool for damage prevention of utilities discovered inadvertently while working on other issues.  If you didn't get a chance to visit us at our booth in Boston, we welcome the opportunity to visit with you at your convenience to introduce you to the benefits of using MUUDS in your area.  Here are some of the comments we received at the show:

" I can't believe something like this isn't already on the market"

"Oh my god that makes so much sense!  It's so simple and yet so effective!"

"We could have used this 
few weeks ago when they just hit a gas line". "

"Definitely get a hold of me, we have so much pipe going in the ground you can't believe it."

"This is brilliant!"

"Contact us."

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