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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Utility Markers and Alternative Energy

As gasoline prices inch towards $4.00/gallon and possibly beyond by summer, it might be worthwhile, discussing how MUUDS can benefit the alternative energy industry.

MUUDS utility markers are designed to identify a vertical tolerance zone for the depth of a utility with our tracer cord outlining the directional path of the underground utility.  While the benefits of MUUDS for water, gas and sewer lines may seem more readily apparent to some because of their burial depth, when it comes to electric lines, especially in the case of solar panels or wind turbines, their use may have increased value.

The return on investment for solar or wind power may be years out in many cases making the protection and security of the transmission lines all the more important to the facility or owner.  MUUDS can be manufactured at any desired length and installed to protect the transmission lines of solar panels or wind turbines.

Statistically, 37% of accidents occur because 811 is not called prior to an excavation, meaning no one is aware that excavation is taking place.  Regardless of who causes the damage, if the service lines for your alternative energy source are interrupted, the down time and costly repairs can add demonstratively to the length of time for a return on your investment.

MUUDS offer a low cost damage prevention option to protect your lines AND your investment.  As a nation as we attempt to move further away from foreign oil dependance and embrace alternative sources of energy, ensuring the protection of the underground transmission lines is increasingly important.  Furthermore, contractors installing MUUDS utility markers at the time of installation, add value to their services by ensuring that if repairs or alterations need to be made,  they have provided a physical path to the utility to aid in discovery and avoid damage even after calling 811.

As we explore alternative energy sources, a focus on damage prevention becomes increasingly important, to protect both people and the investment in the technology.

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