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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Strategic Partnership for Excellence

When it comes to precision instruments or units of measure, there is no room for error when making a product.  Internationally, there is no country that is better at making tools for measurement and scientifically precise, than the United States.

MUUDS is proud to have developed a strategic partnership with an international leader in measuring devices.  Our markers are hot stamped using a process in which stamps are designed and heat treated and the measurement is exact.  Duplicating this process with a level of accuracy is unpredictable outside of the US, which other companies have discovered over the years, resulting in the need to bring products back home and manufacture them here.

Our business relationships have been developed to ensure that the product we make offers our customers the highest level of assurance that the measurement is accurate and reliable.  The process in which our markers are made is internationally unique and our markers can only be found here in the United States.  We have teamed up with one of the foremost manufacturers in the world of measuring devices whose products are found throughout the United States, from Mexico to Vietnam and around the world.  We are proud to have built a trusted relationship that enables us to provide a product of unequalled excellence.

MUUDS Markers are truly a product that has been American Inspired, American designed and American Made... with international appeal!

Innovative Technology for Agricultural Excavators

According to the CGA, almost half of the people who dig this year will put their community at risk and do so without contacting an 811 call center.  An underground utility line is damaged in this country once every three minutes and a full third of those incidents are because there was no effort to locate the utility lines.  MUUDS markers help avoid that costly damage on public and private property alike whether a call is made or not.  While calling for a location is legally required in most states, failure to do so remains a common practice and MUUDS markers help avoid the high cost of not locating by avoiding damage and personal injury. MUUDS, helping to save lives, money and down time!

Despite all of the high tech advances in recent years for underground utility locating, there remains a high rate of damage to utility lines because the marking of those lines fails to identify the depth.  A majority of contractors in South Dakota, believe that simply marking the locations, will not inherently decrease the incident rate because the depth of a utility is still unknown.  Current methods pose a problem for farmers or agricultural property owners because markers are above ground and still do not identify the depth, plus they are a visual and physical nuisance.

MUUDS Utility markers addresses BOTH of these problems and aid in utility marking, WITHOUT being a problem in their day to day activities.  MUUDS markers help save agricultural excavators money by helping to avoid costly damage to utility lines, while remaining buried so mowing is not a problem and the markers can not be damaged by livestock or farm equipment.

MUUDS markers are ideally suited for agricultural purposes to protect underground lines for the increasing use of wind turbines and solar panels, septic lines, irrigation lines and buried electrical lines powering high tech feed and fertilizer systems.  According to Purdue University, the major problem with avoiding costly damage to utility lines is that drawings or records are not maintained, lost or reference points are removed like buildings or trees.  MUUDS markers position and ability to be discovered do not change over the years and approximate location is always sufficient to lead to the depth marker to avoid damage or locate the utility.

As operations expand on a site, MUUDS are a convenient way to minimize the exploration to add to exisiting lines from their termination point and uniquely identify the vertical tolerance zone that no other product on the market identifies.  Our patented system gives agricultural excavators and anyone digging all the information they need to avoid damage, save money and work efficiently and safely.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Resident's Basement Floods from a Water Line Hit


NOT marking the vertical tolerance of a water line caused an accidental hit which, in turn, caused a resident's basement to flood.  This is a common because the VERTICAL TOLERANCE is not marked.  A Utility Depth Marker provides the exact measurement of the vertical tolerance and prevents this type of damage.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dangers Facing Construction Workers

The Dangers Facing Excavation Construction Workers

Construction is a dangerous industry. While all construction workers have difficult and potentially dangerous jobs, some specific types of construction work are particularly dangerous. For example, trenching and excavation are particularly dangerous jobs. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), the fatality rate for excavation workers is 112% higher than that for general construction workers.*

What Dangers Do Excavation Workers Face?

There are many dangers that face excavation workers who are working in trenches. Some of the dangers include*:
  • Cave ins. If the trench collapses with construction workers inside it, the results can be catastrophic.
  • Asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen in a confined space. Trenches may not be properly ventilated, and workers may not have proper equipment to get them the fresh air that they need to breathe.
  • Inhalation of toxic fumes. Toxic substances that are found underground and in the construction industry can quickly become fatal in the confined, unventilated areas of a trench.
  • Drowning. If water is in the trench and rises faster than workers can get out, drowning can occur.
  • Electrocution. When utilities are used underground, the danger of electrocution exists.
  • Explosions. When equipment is used either underground or above ground close to the trench site, an explosion can occur that causes a cave in or other injury to the excavation workers.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Utility Markers and Alternative Energy

As gasoline prices inch towards $4.00/gallon and possibly beyond by summer, it might be worthwhile, discussing how MUUDS can benefit the alternative energy industry.

MUUDS utility markers are designed to identify a vertical tolerance zone for the depth of a utility with our tracer cord outlining the directional path of the underground utility.  While the benefits of MUUDS for water, gas and sewer lines may seem more readily apparent to some because of their burial depth, when it comes to electric lines, especially in the case of solar panels or wind turbines, their use may have increased value.

The return on investment for solar or wind power may be years out in many cases making the protection and security of the transmission lines all the more important to the facility or owner.  MUUDS can be manufactured at any desired length and installed to protect the transmission lines of solar panels or wind turbines.

Statistically, 37% of accidents occur because 811 is not called prior to an excavation, meaning no one is aware that excavation is taking place.  Regardless of who causes the damage, if the service lines for your alternative energy source are interrupted, the down time and costly repairs can add demonstratively to the length of time for a return on your investment.

MUUDS offer a low cost damage prevention option to protect your lines AND your investment.  As a nation as we attempt to move further away from foreign oil dependance and embrace alternative sources of energy, ensuring the protection of the underground transmission lines is increasingly important.  Furthermore, contractors installing MUUDS utility markers at the time of installation, add value to their services by ensuring that if repairs or alterations need to be made,  they have provided a physical path to the utility to aid in discovery and avoid damage even after calling 811.

As we explore alternative energy sources, a focus on damage prevention becomes increasingly important, to protect both people and the investment in the technology.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


As a company entering the utility industry, with a new and patented technology, we were thrilled to join the CGA conference in Las Vegas and introduce our utility depth marker to a national audience!

The great thing about this industry is how gracious everyone involved with utility safety is to a new concept, product and the people presenting it.  We met some terrific people from all over the country who were very receptive to our marker and the number of benefits it promises to bring to the industry.  The unique attributes of our utility marker hold tremendous promise for adding safety and damage prevention to existing and new utilities or any buried facility.

As expected, one of the great things about attending a conference like the CGA show, is the opportunity to have open discussions with new people who point out applications for your product that may not have been obvious and to learn a little bit from every show.

In Las Vegas, the term that surfaced that is applicable to our marker was the fact that MUUDS identifies a VERTICAL TOLERANCE ZONE for an underground utility.  We had conversations with a number of people who recognized that MUUDS are an asset for damage prevention of new utilities and ideal for vacuum excavations where we are recording data for existing utilities.

Perhaps the great thing about the show for us is identifying that our utility marker has international applications and has the ability to set a standard for utility markers identifying depth to avoid damage to utilities.

Next up, we head out to Lexington, Kentucky to introduce our utility marker to County Engineers at their conference.  We appreciate the warm response we received from other exhibitors and attendees in Las Vegas and look forward to the  show next year in Florida!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Supporting the need for Utility Markers - Underground Utility Damage Statistics & MUUDS

1.)   According to 2010 reports, of all accidents reported, 25% were due to poor locating practices, 38% were due to poor excavation practices and 32% were due to the fact that no notification was made.

M.U.U.D.S   offer additional locating information to aid excavators in discovery, complement locators and help prevent those who dig without notifying 811 from digging without notification.

2.)   There were 115,232 incidents reported nationwide in 2010.  While it was a 2% decline from the prior year, the CGA cautions that this decline may be attributed to a decline in construction activity.

M.U.U.D.S   raise awareness of the location of underground utilities either during excavation or when people dig without notifying.

3.)   12% of all damages nationwide, a total of 14,011, occur in the Northeast region which includes all of  New York State and the New England states.

M.U.U.D.S    embrace the national standard established by the CGA creating a uniform standard in every state. 

             4.)  84% of the incidents in the Northeast are caused by contractors/developers.  Of those incidents,              
       75% were caused by backhoes or trenchers and 15% were caused during the use of hand tools.

M.U.U.D.S    aids in incident prevention by providing a physical pathway for the excavator and laborers to discover the utility carefully.

5.)    42% of the accidents in the Northeast were to water/sewer lines and 16% were to energy/communications

MUUDS color-coded markers help identify utility lines by the color designated by the CGA and provide a depth guide to their underground position.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Utility Markers and UDM's

In recent years there has been explosive growth in the Utility Marker industry with a variety of products on the market.  Utility markers are now used in a variety of shapes and applications for just about every imaginable underground utility.

With the introduction of MUUDS, a new segment in utility markers is emerging that we refer to as UDM's or Utility DEPTH Markers.

UDM's differ dramatically in that they are not only installed WITH the utility, but identify the depth, which is not accomplish by any other utility marker on the market today.

The absence of a UDM marking a utility, offers no guide to contractors to identify the tolerance zone that most state laws require them to observe.  UDM's and MUUDS in particular, narrow the tolerance zone to a more specific range and offer a guide to the utility to aid in damage prevention.

According to DIRT (Damage Information Recovery Tool) issued by the CGA, 37% of all accidents were because no one called before they dug.  MUUDS offer a tracer cord to not only alert contractors BEFORE they get too far, but they also offer a guide to  the utility being marked and identifying the tolerance zone and promoting in excavation.

The tracer cords can be marked with contact information and use of a UDM will help deter and prevent unnecessary damage.  It is important to note that MUUDS DO NOT eliminate the need for locating, calling 811 or observance of the tolerance zone.  MUUDS are a tool in aiding the location of a utility to avoid damage.

Aesthetically, because MUUDS are installed at the full depth of the utility, the remain straight and resist being pulled out of the ground.  Surface markers can be removed, fade and  bend over time.  MUUDS utility markers offer the traditional benefits of other markers , with the added benefit of identifying the depth of the utility.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dig Safely, Utility Markers and MUUDS!

MUUDS are utility markers and is an acronym for Marking Underground Utility Depth System which is a patented METHOD, for identifying an underground utility.  Conceptually devising a method for this identification is significantly different from actually designing a device.

When we started, we had a simple basic premise as is defined in the patent.  An elongated rod that has a marked measurement on the side that extends down to a base and has in interior cord running through the center of the start.  The actual design of this kind of method can vary dramatically and in order to produce a product that would both meet the definition in the patent AND be functional in the field took some doing.

While our device in the end sounds simple and somewhat of a no-brainer, there are a number of patented devices that do NOT work.  Ours does, in large part because we did some exhaustive research in fine tuning the design.  We explored options, from different shapes of the rod as well as diameters, to a kit in which the marker is assembled in the field.  As we refined our design, we met with Dig Safe councils all across the State of New York to solicit their input and get their reactions.

We were provided with invaluable feedback that identified some of the drawbacks and potential problems with the device.  Our final design, addresses those problems and provides a marker that is economical, effective and easy to use.

In the end our goal is to provide a product that helps promote field safety for workers and utilities.  MUUDS markers promises to establish a uniform industry standard, nationwide, that protects underground utilities and the workers who uncover them, today and well into the future.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mass Muni Trade Show was a great event!

We attended the Mass Muni Trade Show this past weekend, and it was a great event in a great City!  We were very encouraged by the positive reception we received from everyone we met with as elected officials, DPW workers and finance personnel alike, remarked at the value of having the depth of their utility lines identified in a way that would help prevent damage in the future. 

In a number of municipalities in Massachusetts, the trend started by Lady Bird Johnson to bury utility lines underground continues with a strong emphasis on beautification of their respective towns and municipalities.  MUUDS were enthusiastically received as a valuable tool to aid in the future to prevent damage to those very lines and the ability to locate them minimizing the safety and liability exposure to the town and its employees due to damage.  It was noted that damage prevention protects not only their DPW workers, but emergency personnel who have to respond to accidents when they occur.

Currently the policy of many utility companies is to charge the municipality or private contractor for the costs to repair the damaged line.  That accidental hit to the utility line can end up costing the municipality over $100,000!!  MUUDS is an inexpensive way to avoid that expense.  It saves taxpayers dollars.  MUUDS can save taxpayers dollars at NO COST to the municipality.  Contact us to find out how.

When digging for utilities, inevitably, other utilities are encountered.  Muuds was welcomed as an identification tool for damage prevention of utilities discovered inadvertently while working on other issues.  If you didn't get a chance to visit us at our booth in Boston, we welcome the opportunity to visit with you at your convenience to introduce you to the benefits of using MUUDS in your area.  Here are some of the comments we received at the show:

" I can't believe something like this isn't already on the market"

"Oh my god that makes so much sense!  It's so simple and yet so effective!"

"We could have used this 
few weeks ago when they just hit a gas line". "

"Definitely get a hold of me, we have so much pipe going in the ground you can't believe it."

"This is brilliant!"

"Contact us."

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Accidents and Injuries

Some recent examples of accidents and injuries occurring when exact depth of a utility line buried under the earth's surface is not known.

M.U.U.D.S. helps to prevent these costly accidents and injuries!

